September 3, 2020 Innovation Team

Adopting Organizational Agility

The concept of agility is often tossed around as business jargon, but when applied, it is a crucial skill to have in an organization. Given the exceedingly consumer-driven market and volatile business world, change agility is the key to staying ahead of your competitors. Surprisingly it often flies under the radar, perhaps because companies fail to realize that it all begins with employees’ mindsets – from the very moment they join the organization.

Here is why agility is so important, and how you should be adopting it into your respective organizations today.

Collaborative mindset

Organizational agility can be understood as a proactive approach to identifying and grabbing opportunities as they come. Leadership today is no longer dependent on a top-down approach, as it is a collaboration among teams that are now accepted as the strategy for success. And this mindset is now becoming the norm due to the latest generation of leaders, as it is now taught as a fundamental of business leadership at universities and on training courses. Those who study an online organizational leadership degree are taught to understand the collaborative mindset that influences organizational behavior. This helps them tap into the potential of creating and becoming change agents in a dynamic business landscape. And as a direct result of studying online, they learn how to adapt to work-from-home practices. With a culture of accountability and transparency, individuals are driven to enact change and make calls on their own. This empowers employees to think on their feet and has the confidence to execute their ideas, creating a much more agile and dynamic workforce.

Tests of strength

As we discussed previously, dynamic and efficient teams are those whose strengths are recognized and developed further. These can likewise be discovered during times of adversity, where employees excel in ways you may not have expected them to. Given the differences in today’s work environment, practicing clear communication is of the utmost importance in ensuring that everyone remains aligned with the company’s objectives. And now, objectives may be moving targets due to the changing nature of work brought about by the pandemic. With clear communication methods established, you can still sail towards a common goal. Moreover, feedback will be taken into consideration concretely, and the fruits of your work will come through.

Striking a balance

Experts believe that within organizations, agility could be key in facing – even defeating – the aftershocks of the pandemic. The complexities of today’s world can be handled by agile mission-driven organizations that deal with unforeseen circumstances both in terms of operations and strategy. With genuine initiatives to think ahead and use whatever resources are available at hand, agile organizations will be able to thrive. Decisions must rest on stability and speed, maintaining the company’s integrity while becoming more responsive to sudden changes.

As these must be grounded on a foundational level, leaders must strike a balance between having employees stay attuned to a singular vision, while also fostering room for creativity and innovation. This is where we see how trust is vital for organizations to prosper. Against all odds, the adapt or die mindset rings true. With every day being different from the last, this skill is what will keep your organization always moving forward.

This article was written by Allie Cooper and submitted exclusively for ON ITS AXIS.