February 15, 2022 press

Professional Development 201

Leveraging LinkedIn and Twitter for Professional Success

The phrase “Social Media” may bring to mind viral cat videos and funny meme posts but it is also an increasingly powerful tool for professional networking and career development. With a combined collective membership of nearly 1 billion global users, LinkedIn and Twitter are leading channels for network creation, professional collaboration, and career planning.

– Curious about social media but uncertain about how to get started?
– Wondering how to develop your “online brand”?
– Unsure how to prioritize the time you spend online?

If you have been wondering about how to leverage social media to accomplish your professional development goals this is a “don’t miss session.” Our experts will explore what you need to know about the most popular social media platforms for professional brand-building, whether you are looking to expand your network, build a business, or find a new gig.

In this month’s Virtual Business Bites, we discuss how social platforms including LinkedIn and Twitter can be leveraged to support professional development goals. Join us for an exciting conversation with industry experts: Rhonda Sher, Dr. Chaz Austin, and Kimberly S. Jones M.Ed.

Business Bites is an exciting and original webinar series brought to you by HanaHaus in close collaboration with ON ITS AXIS. Enjoy livestream episodes featuring renowned thought leaders and notable speakers from various industries. Join us for thoughtful conversation where our guests share insights on innovation, leadership, business development, and other relevant topics!