Innovation + Growth

12 Nov 2019

How Startups Can Apply Lean Methodology to Their Finances

New companies don't necessarily have millions of dollars in the bank or the backing of a large investor to ensure that it has the money needed to operate at a loss. In many cases, startups are funded with little more than what their owners have in the bank. Therefore, it is important that you understand what lean methodology is and how it can help your business survive long enough to eventually turn a profit. Identify Waste There are many different ways in which a company could be wasting money such as paying employees too much or hiring employees instead of freelancers. Chamberland Business Accounting says it may also be a bad idea for startups to lease an office building or otherwise pay for space that they don't need at the moment. Consolidating or otherwise refinancing corporate debt could save an organization hundreds of dollars per month or more. Eliminating waste…