How to Create a Dynamic and Efficient Team

Having a successful business depends on you having a dynamic team. Not only do you need to focus on hiring the right people, but you also need to work hard after you hire to build up your team. Here are some ways to create a more efficient and unified team.

Recognize Strengths

You can probably name the biggest strengths of your team members because the chances are that is why you put them in the position that they hold, but you need to find out their hidden strengths. When someone does a great job, do not stop with the praise. Ask him or her how she accomplished the task. See if it is a teachable process that the employee can share with others. During employee evaluations, focus on how the employee’s mind works. Then, ask yourself if that thinking process is useful for other tasks within your organization. When you discover a project that an employee enjoys, find out the reason that they enjoyed the process by talking with them. The reason they give you may surprise you, and that reason may hold important clues about other projects where the employee will excel.

Maintain Communication

Agile training will help your team communicate better. Start with an overview meeting so that your team understands what needs to be accomplished and who is responsible for different aspects of the project. Encourage questions because they can lead to more significant insights and may develop a better process. Mistakes will happen but do not brush them aside. Use them as a way to further train your team or to make a better product, provide better customer service, or further improve your company. The team should be encouraged to give constructive feedback to each other and to receive valuable feedback from you. It’s important to keep up communication, both internally and externally, through meetings and feedback.

Remove Team Members

If someone has consistently not performed to your expectations and you have given them additional training and feedback, then you need to remove the team member before they impact the rest of the team. It is not a pleasant task to let someone go, but their inability to perform or their attitude will affect everyone in the long-term. Check with your HR department to see if there are any reasons that you should not fire the person. Then, you and one other top executive need to get the job done as ethically as possible. After the firing, hold a team meeting to discuss how you expect the team to continue without the individual.

The people in your company are essential to your success. When you’re all working together and communicating, the day-to-day operations of your business will go smoother. Using these three tips to build a dynamic and efficient team will help your company succeed in the long run.

New Partner Announcement – Swarm Vision

We are very pleased and excited to announce a new partnership with a truly innovative company – Swarm Vision – a platform trusted by top Fortune 1000 brands and designed to identify innovation talent and harness it to drive growth. The platform is so powerful and we believe in it so highly we have formally added it to the ON ITS AXIS Framework.

If you are interested in identifying and engaging more innovation talent, forming stronger innovation teams, and hyper-targeting your innovation training, learn more about our partnership or schedule a demo call with a member of our team.

The combined power of Swarm Vision and ON ITS AXIS helps you hire, train and retain innovation talent!

How to Find the Best Talent to Manage Your Website

With as much as you have on your plate, it’s probably ideal to hire out tasks like website management. However, you also want to minimize the risk of picking someone who isn’t going to deliver satisfactory work. Take a look at these tips on how to find the best talent to manage your website and ensure the best possible results.

Look for Specific Skills

Unfortunately for anyone trying to find a hiring match quickly, it can mean a lot of different things when someone describes themselves as a web content manager. In order to avoid miscommunication, keep things simple by looking for skills rather than titles. Write up a checklist of everything you need your new hire to be able to do. Be sure to include specific details, such as any particular writing style you prefer. Don’t forget other requirements as well, such as strong attention to detail and the ability to self-manage throughout the course of a project.

Revamp Your Hiring Process

If you’ve been having trouble retaining employees or finding qualified candidates, don’t be afraid to go back to square one and revamp your hiring process. Consider whether your list of job requirements could use some clarification as well as whether you’re asking the right questions during interviews. Another solid way to refresh your process is to incorporate a pre-employment test. Using a pre-employment test can help your company retain employees by selecting candidates naturally inclined to succeed in their job.

Establish Your Budget

Your budget is also important to consider. It’s essential to do your homework and research what the services you need usually cost. Compare that with what your company can afford, then look for the ideal balance between the two. Stay within your budget, but remember that it’s generally a bad idea to try to talk someone down too much in terms of what they charge. Most of the time, even if you can get them down to a nice-looking price tag, this small victory will come at the expense of quality. No one wants to put in their best effort when they believe they should be getting more in return, so look for the talent that you can actually afford instead of aiming too high and trying to talk them down. 

The hiring process can be tricky, especially when you’re trying to find the best of the best. However, if you keep these handy tips in mind, you’ll be ahead of the game by the time you start interviewing. Narrow your search to specific skills, refresh your process, and budget appropriately.

Looking for talent? You deserve a staffing partner that is committed to and capable of helping you grow at your optimal pace.

How to Foster Better Work-Life Alignment for Your Employees

Working full time and still being able to do the things you love isn’t always easy. In fact, it can be very draining at times. People often point to a lack of work-life balance as the root cause of employee burnout. Rather than look at work and home life as a constant tug-of-war, it’s better to look for ways to align your work with your goals and lifestyle. Work-life alignment is about using your work to build a more meaningful life. 

As the manager, it’s your duty to ensure your employees are productive and happy at work. Here, the idea is to make work duties integrate seamlessly into your employees’ lives. Don’t know where to start? Here are three strategies you can implement to foster better work-life alignment in your employees.

Offer Family Leave

Although you may see them every day, you may not know much about your employees’ personal lives. They could have a family that they hardly get to see due to work. Rather than encouraging employees to leave their home life at home, make it possible for employees to prioritize family and still succeed at work. 

In this way, employees don’t have to keep these two parts of their lives separate. Rather, work can facilitate family interactions and quality time with loved ones. Offering family leave can not only promote better work-life alignment, but it can also take a massive amount of stress off of employees. 

Be More Flexible

Over the last 20 years, employment models have changed dramatically. More companies allow flexibility when it comes to scheduling. Take remote work, for example. A lot of office jobs are now hiring remote workers and are letting existing employees work from home. This flexibility works to blur the lines between your employees’ work and home lives. They can make their work schedule integrate into their current lifestyle. 

Working from home allows employees to feel less pressured and gives them more freedom. According to InsideOut Development, Gen Z employees value this type of flexibility and freedom above other considerations, including compensation, benefits, and career opportunities. That said, every generation will appreciate the ability to integrate their work into their everyday lives. Flexibility is what helps employees achieve this. 

Encourage Short Breaks

Whether your employees work from home or at an office, it’s important that they take short breaks. Working without taking time to breathe won’t do your business any favors. Overworked employees usually result in less productivity and decreased quality of performance. 

Since some employees may be afraid of taking a break, ZeroCater says it’s important to implement a break schedule that suits your company. Breaks allow employees time during their workday to focus on themselves, take care of other responsibilities, and freedom to use their time in a way they see fit. Let employees know that they are free to get up and stretch their legs, to grab some coffee, and to recharge before resuming work.  

The Bottom Line

No matter the job, employees need to feel valued and praised for a job well done. Employees are not robots that can have their batteries recharged. They are people with lives outside of work, and they should always be treated with proper respect and care. 

Encouraging employees to integrate and align their work and home lives allows them to find greater resolve and meaning in the work they do. Unfortunately, some managers and owners tend to disregard the importance of work-life alignment, which is why they inevitably fail. Try some of these tips, and you’ll see your employees’ performance improve.

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