Innovation Team

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16 Jan 2020

Quality Assurance Planning for Your Product

Quality assurance, or QA, is an important part of a design or development process. Its purpose is to detect process and design flaws early. Quality assurance helps build credibility and client confidence. It also works as a form of research in development, refining and improving process efficiency. This, in turn, increases a company’s competitiveness. Why You Need One QA consists of methodical processes, or test cases, which resolve a product’s ability to meet design requirements. Many companies throughout the world define these requirements according to the standardized ISO 9000 guidelines as a universal means of communication. QA creates scenarios for design tests based on customer requirements and expectations. It keeps design and production costs down by proactively identifying and searching for performance results early rather than testing complete prototypes. It’s also important to remember that QA is different than QC, or Quality Control. QA focuses on design flaws. QC focuses…

09 Jan 2020

How to Create a Dynamic and Efficient Team

Having a successful business depends on you having a dynamic team. Not only do you need to focus on hiring the right people, but you also need to work hard after you hire to build up your team. Here are some ways to create a more efficient and unified team. Recognize Strengths You can probably name the biggest strengths of your team members because the chances are that is why you put them in the position that they hold, but you need to find out their hidden strengths. When someone does a great job, do not stop with the praise. Ask him or her how she accomplished the task. See if it is a teachable process that the employee can share with others. During employee evaluations, focus on how the employee’s mind works. Then, ask yourself if that thinking process is useful for other tasks within your organization. When you…

02 Dec 2019

How to Find the Best Talent to Manage Your Website

With as much as you have on your plate, it’s probably ideal to hire out tasks like website management. However, you also want to minimize the risk of picking someone who isn’t going to deliver satisfactory work. Take a look at these tips on how to find the best talent to manage your website and ensure the best possible results. Look for Specific Skills Unfortunately for anyone trying to find a hiring match quickly, it can mean a lot of different things when someone describes themselves as a web content manager. In order to avoid miscommunication, keep things simple by looking for skills rather than titles. Write up a checklist of everything you need your new hire to be able to do. Be sure to include specific details, such as any particular writing style you prefer. Don’t forget other requirements as well, such as strong attention to detail and the…

26 Nov 2019

How to Foster Better Work-Life Alignment for Your Employees

Working full time and still being able to do the things you love isn't always easy. In fact, it can be very draining at times. People often point to a lack of work-life balance as the root cause of employee burnout. Rather than look at work and home life as a constant tug-of-war, it’s better to look for ways to align your work with your goals and lifestyle. Work-life alignment is about using your work to build a more meaningful life.  As the manager, it’s your duty to ensure your employees are productive and happy at work. Here, the idea is to make work duties integrate seamlessly into your employees’ lives. Don’t know where to start? Here are three strategies you can implement to foster better work-life alignment in your employees. Offer Family Leave Although you may see them every day, you may not know much about your employees' personal…