February 2020

View all on this date written articles further down below.
27 Feb 2020

6 Methods for Improving Your Team’s Leadership

Improving on leadership skills is a process of committing to constant, daily improvement of those skills. In today’s fast and complex business world, being a strong business leader couldn’t be any more necessary. With the constant changes in demands and business trends, it can be easy to overlook the needs of your team. As you take the time to assess where the team(s) you currently lead are at on the leadership scale, here are six methods to help you build a strong team of leaders. No More Micromanaging Micromanaging can be a destructive habit, especially when left unchecked. Many leaders who micromanage often play down their habit by labeling it as a control freak issue. The common denominator for most leaders who carry the burden of this habit is that the company is their baby that they’ve built something from nothing. While building up a company from scratch to a…

17 Feb 2020

Beyond Code for Product Teams

Being able to articulate the why of what we are building is sometimes more important than actually building it. The tech stack is continuously evolving, driving a focus on interpersonal skills over hard skills. Yet many technical teams lack the ability to effectively communicate with business people. Today’s workplace requires designers, developers, and engineers to go beyond code and focus on understanding customer needs by designing solutions that are often tested and thrown away. The role of the product manager as an effective conduit between the business and technology has risen, yet all team members need the skill set to build solutions to business problems that are functional, usable and technically feasible.   Together we will step through real-life examples of how to be an effective intrapreneur by bridging the technical with the practical through key themes: Why business model development is so critical How to run effective customer discovery Designing and running…

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