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23 Dec 2019

New Partner Announcement – Swarm Vision

We are very pleased and excited to announce a new partnership with a truly innovative company – Swarm Vision – a platform trusted by top Fortune 1000 brands and designed to identify innovation talent and harness it to drive growth. The platform is so powerful and we believe in it so highly we have formally added it to the ON ITS AXIS Framework. If you are interested in identifying and engaging more innovation talent, forming stronger innovation teams, and hyper-targeting your innovation training, learn more about our partnership or schedule a demo call with a member of our team. The combined power of Swarm Vision and ON ITS AXIS helps you hire, train and retain innovation talent!

15 Oct 2019

ON ITS AXIS Recognized for Outstanding Social Responsibility Program in U.S. Staffing and Recruiting Industry

Costa Mesa, CA, October 15, 2019 — ON ITS AXIS, an innovation services firm delivering product and people solutions customized for growing companies in Costa Mesa, CA, was conferred a 2019 American Staffing Association Care Award honorable mention distinction. This national awards program recognizes outstanding social responsibility initiatives—business processes that produce an overall positive effect on society—among ASA member staffing agencies and associate members (industry suppliers). ON ITS AXIS was honored for its Commitment to Giving. ON ITS AXIS donates 10% of our net proceeds from our staffing engagements to the nonprofit organization of our client's selection through our 501(C)3 nonprofit partner Start Giving Local. Kelly O’Connell, EVP of ON ITS AXIS, shared “As an innovation firm that is committed to helping startups scale, and to supporting the hiring and organization design needs of clients at every organizational stage, our commitment to giving program is a service offering that is…

12 Sep 2019

Build Things That Matter

This spring the ON ITS AXIS team had the opportunity to tour a new, ground-breaking innovation center in Orange County. Fast forward to early September and the space we toured was fully revealed as SAP’s Innovation Center, a magical spot where multi-disciplinary teams explore emerging technologies and develop solutions to industry problems. Adding to the excitement, a creative workspace, HanaHaus Newport Beach, was also unveiled as a public space "...offering the changemakers of Southern California - entrepreneurs, creatives, students, thinkers, freelancers, and investors - a new kind of coworking experience." At this beautiful waterfront location at Lido Isle, Newport Beach, SAP teams are working on topics such as ambient voice technology, data labeling, AI-driven development, explainable AI, and data anonymization. The official launch occurred on September 6th and was memorialized with a grand opening event of which ON ITS AXIS participated. SAP welcomed more than 150 SAP customers, leaders, and business…

29 Aug 2019

Charity Event – Cool Breeze Century

Thanks to our nonprofit partner, Start Giving Local, ON ITS AXIS had the opportunity to participate in a charity event in Ventura, California, on August 17th, 2019. This was our partner's first-ever volunteer charity cycling team, and athletes participated in the Metric Century (64 miles) and Century (102 miles) routes. In addition to achieving personal health and fitness goals (course completion in under 4 hours for the metric century team and under 7 hours of ride time for the century team), the cycling team also embodied the organization's tagline "Giving Should Be Easy." Money raised helped support various nonprofit organizations, including Kiwanis Club of Ventura and the Villalobos Animal Rescue Center. Additional charity cycling events are being planned for 2020. Stay tuned.