Innovation Team

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16 Jun 2020

How to Care for Your Employees’ Well-Being

While the job market has become increasingly challenging this first part of 2020 due to COVID-19, it is more important than ever to offer a comprehensive wellness program to attract and retain your top talent. Here are three ways that you can care for your employees' well-being. Give Them Enough Sick Leave The cornerstone of keeping your workplace healthy is providing enough sick leave to your employees. Without enough paid time off to use when ill, your workers will be tempted to come into work. This decision could possibly infect fellow employees and have a devastating impact on your place of business. Instituting a liberal sick leave policy will support the physical well-being of your employees by encouraging them to stay home and take care of themselves when they feel under the weather. The bottom line is that employees should never have to choose between protecting their jobs and their…

21 May 2020

The Customer’s Role in Improving Your SaaS Product

One of the most crucial and hard to understand parts of the product development process is developing for the end user. The end user plays an important role in the successful implementation of your product, and determines everything from initial adoption to product longevity in the marketplace. Having an understanding of the role the end user plays is important at the onset, and should drive your product development process. One of the most highly acclaimed development methodologies is lean, whose core idea is to maximize customer value while minimizing waste. In this article, we provide a few examples of how lean development ultimately supports the customer in improving your SaaS product. Removal Of Defects When it comes to lean, the removal of defects is one of the most important aspects of the process. As most of us are aware, a piece of software can interact with, be broken by, or…

12 Mar 2020

3 Ways to Improve Customer and Client Relationships

These days, small businesses of all types need any competitive advantage they can get. One such example of the best advantages small businesses have is the ability to build healthy and productive relationships with their customers and clients. Indeed, this advantage is often powerful enough to allow businesses to overcome other disadvantages. As such, it is vital that every business do whatever they can to improve their customer and client relationships. Here are three ways to make that happen. Figure Out Who They Are You can't improve your relationships with your customers or clients if you don't know who they are. As such, make sure you have some sort of database that allows you to keep tabs on your clients and their buying patterns. Once you know who is already using your services, try to figure out what information you can extrapolate from that data. From there, find out how…

27 Feb 2020

6 Methods for Improving Your Team’s Leadership

Improving on leadership skills is a process of committing to constant, daily improvement of those skills. In today’s fast and complex business world, being a strong business leader couldn’t be any more necessary. With the constant changes in demands and business trends, it can be easy to overlook the needs of your team. As you take the time to assess where the team(s) you currently lead are at on the leadership scale, here are six methods to help you build a strong team of leaders. No More Micromanaging Micromanaging can be a destructive habit, especially when left unchecked. Many leaders who micromanage often play down their habit by labeling it as a control freak issue. The common denominator for most leaders who carry the burden of this habit is that the company is their baby that they’ve built something from nothing. While building up a company from scratch to a…